Metal Fine Art

Unparalleled Vibrancy

The most vibrant of all print media, contemporary metal is simply a breathtaking work of art.

  • Created by infusing an image onto raw aluminum.
  • Metal Prints are available in 17 different sizes, from 4×6″ to 24×36″.
  • Display options include a black shadow mount, an aluminum easel or a float mount hanger.
  • All Metal Prints are 1mm thick and are finished with a protective white gloss.
  • Art that Endures
  • Each print is protected by a high-gloss UV, coating which keeps your image resistant to water and dust over time.
  • The metal substrate used in production has tiny bumps and imperfections that make each piece truly unique. Our Quality Control team will only order a reprint of the piece if an imperfection distracts from the image itself.

Expertly produced in one of the world’s only photo labs to be G7 Color Certified our Metal Prints have ultra-high definition colors, intense blacks, crisp contours, seamless gradations, and a unique, luminescent finish.

Metal Wall Art

Size Price
4×4″ $30.00
4×6″ $35.00
5×7″ $45.00
8×8″ $50.00
8×10″ $55.00
8×12″ $60.00
12×12″ $70.00
11×14″ $75.00
12×18″ $100.00
12×24″ $125.00
16×20″ $150.00
16×24″ $175.00
20×24″ $200.00
24×24″ $225.00
20×30″ $250.00
24×30″ $300.00
24×36 $350.00

Ready to order? E-mail us!